Udugu Journey

Workshop Facilitation

Large Group Facilitation

Whether face-to-face or online, are you struggling to structure and manage large group sessions?

We’ve got you covered :

Leading Large Group Meetings

Increase productivity, build consensus, and get results
Planning Conferences

Create successful, engaging, and memorable events

Gather the valuable input and information you need

When a large group of people need to make important decisions, who controls the room?

Imagine having to consider a myriad of different, and often times, opposing points of view when trying to reach a consensus or devise new strategies for the company, community, or a large team. Successful facilitation of large groups requires strategic planning from facilitators and we can help.

We can empower you to :

Conduct effective large group meetings both in-person and online.

Develop and deliver an engaging conference or event.

Build consensus among large groups in virtual and face-to-face environments.