Udugu Journey

Community colleges are unique spaces where people from all walks of life come together to further their education. But let’s be real—community college students face a lot of challenges that go beyond the classroom. Whether it’s balancing school with work, figuring out a career path, or dealing with the stress of life in general, they often need more than just academic support. This is where coaching comes in.

1. Helping with Mental Health and Well-Being

We all know college can be stressful, but it’s even tougher when you’re juggling work, family, and school like most community college students do. According to the Healthy Minds Study (2022-2023), mental health struggles like anxiety and depression are common among students. And when your mind is full of worry, it’s hard to focus on your studies, let alone succeed.

Coaching can provide a safe space for students to talk about these stresses and figure out strategies for managing them. It’s not therapy, but it’s a way for students to feel supported and heard, which can make a big difference.

2. Figuring Out Career Goals

One of the biggest questions students ask themselves is, “What am I going to do after this?” The 2023 Student Voice survey pointed out that a lot of students feel uncertain about their future careers. This is a huge source of stress, especially for those who might not have a clear idea of what they want to do yet.

Coaching helps students discover what excites them and how to turn that into a career. By working one-on-one with a coach, students can break down their big life questions into smaller, actionable steps. Coaches can guide them through career exploration, resume building, and even networking strategies to give them a sense of direction.

3. Staying on Track

Community colleges are known for having higher dropout rates than four-year schools, and it’s not because students don’t care—it’s because they’ve got a lot going on. They may be working full-time, raising kids, or dealing with other responsibilities that make it hard to focus on school. The Healthy Minds Study also found that stress and burnout are major reasons why students drop out ​(Healthy Minds Network).

Coaches can help students stay on track by providing that extra push when life gets overwhelming. They’re like a personal cheerleader, keeping students motivated and helping them set small goals to get through each semester. With this kind of support, students are more likely to stay in school and finish their degree.

4. Boosting Confidence and Self-Concept

Many community college students are first-generation or non-traditional students, and they can sometimes feel out of place in an academic setting. This lack of confidence can make it hard for them to take full advantage of the opportunities in front of them. That’s where coaching shines.

Coaches work with students to help them see their strengths and value, which is key for building a strong self-concept. When students understand their unique skills and potential, they can navigate both school and the professional world with confidence. They start to believe that they belong, and that belief is everything.

5. Helping with Transitions

A lot of community college students plan to transfer to four-year institutions. But let’s be honest, the process can be confusing and overwhelming. Coaching helps students map out their next steps, from selecting courses that transfer easily to applying to universities. Having someone to guide them through this transition makes it less intimidating and ensures they don’t miss out on important opportunities.

Final Thoughts

Community colleges are already doing amazing work by providing affordable education and opportunities for students who might not otherwise have access. But by adding coaching programs, they can help students not only stay in school but thrive in all areas of their life—academically, emotionally, and professionally.

Coaching is a game-changer for students who need a bit of extra support to achieve their goals and overcome the unique challenges they face. With personalized guidance, they can navigate the complexities of school, work, and life with confidence and a clearer sense of direction.

Now, more than ever, it’s time for community colleges to embrace the power of coaching to ensure that their students have every tool they need for success​(Bay Atlantic Univ Wash DC)​ ( Inside Higher Ed).

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